Kids' Book Banter

Imaginations are sparked, empathy is nurtured, and critical thinking is stimulated when kids read and talk about books.
The Kids’ Book Banter bookmark helps to foster engaging conversations between adult and child, providing a peek into a child’s thinking about the books they read.
These handy conversation guides are also a great way to get kids talking about books together, whether it is with parents, in a classroom or in a kids’ book club.
Suggested for ages 4-12, the Kids' Book Banter bookmark comes in four fun prints.
Spark kids' love of reading by having kids banter about books!
Genre: picture, chapter, & middle grade books

“Fiction gives us empathy: it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gifts of seeing the world through their eyes.”
– Neil Gaiman
Check out how kids banter about books...

What were your
favourite moments?
“It's when Mr. Luddy gets cranky with Brady and his friend because they kick the ball in his vegetable patch.”
— Ben, 4

Which character would
you like as a friend?
“I'd love to be friends with Bella and Bubs because they build an invention to help each other out. It's pretty cool!”
— Ella, 8
We believe in the power of words and stories - one book, one reader, one community at a time.
Do you feel empathy for a character? Why?
"I feel empathy for the house elves because they were treated like slaves by their masters. I think it's unfair."
— Victor, 9

What wacky and wonderful words do you love?
“I love the wacky words 'whizz popping,' 'snozzcumbers,' and 'crodsquinkled.' The BFG makes me laugh!"
— Xander, 7

We believe in the power of words and stories - one book, one reader, one community at a time.

Designed and Made
in Canada

10% of the proceeds go to the WindsorEssex Community Foundation to support literacy

We believe in the power of words and stories - one book, one reader, one community at a time.